الثلاثاء، 1 مارس 2011

A Telephone call

Me : Hi

Him : Hi

Me : I miss you.

Him : i miss you more .

Me : What !!

Him : Just talk ... I wanna hear your voice.

Me : I cry my eyes out every single day
till i go to sleep.

Babe, my heart is too wounded way too hard
way too deep.

Could I close and open my eyes
and be with you at one sweep?

I wish if I can just see you for seconds
or even sneak a peek.

Him : ....

Listening to you saying this
tears me apart.

Babe,don`t cry ..
This breaks my heart.

Don`t get weak .. you are my rock

Me : I thought I am ,
but I can`t take it any more.

I don`t think I can go on like this
it got really sore.

Forgive me, I give up ,
I can`t endure.

Him : just calm down
every thing gonna be all right.

I will come back home,
I will dare my life and win this fight.

Am gonna hold you close again
you will never go off my sight.

Just be strong for me , i promise you,
I will be there soon to warm you at night.

I promise you ,
Every thing gonna be all right.

Me : okay , I will be strong and wait
But please don`t be late.

And jut know that .. I love you
And about that no one can debate.

You are my whole life ,
you are my fate.

So, just come back soon my angel
So my heart can open its gate.

Him : I Will ...
and now i gotta go ..
take care
I love you.

Me : I love you too


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