الخميس، 10 مارس 2011

things on my mind

hey ?
i just wanted to talk a little bit . i feel so frustrated
it is so damn hard to pretend that u r some one that u aren`t . and when u try to be who u realy are, u find every one around u judging and accusing as isf u were a criminal or some kind of a jerk meanwhile u r just trying to be u !.
sometimes i just wish if i can do more but i don`t have the requirement so i find myself referred to as "limitted"
and i hate to be limited because i have so much to give !
but let just be hones to ourselves and forget about the pip talk cuz u r not a superman to just wear a different suit and be a different character.
Some people were born in a wrong environment and were raisen up by parents that can`t reach them or even understand them.
and the bigger disaster if they live in a society that doesn`t encourage them.
so no one tell me that they can do something some day
specially if that person was a girl
with a lot of things on her mind
but can do non of them !

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